Home | Case studies | Enercorp

Increased website traffic and conversion through rebranding, UX and SEO.

Learn about the process and reasoning behind the decisions made during this e-commerce website project. See the complete redesign and how we increased traffic and ultimately conversions by over 341%!

The customer

Enercorp instruments ltd

Measuring sensors for professionals

Enercorp instruments ltd is a Canadian family business with over 40 years of history and expertise. Their product line includes a wide range of premium custom sensors, such as: measuring temperature, pressure, electrical current, humidity, weather monitoring and more.

Marketing audit and tailor-made e-commerce web design

The challenge

This is the original Enercorp.com site. Their site was a catalog site with no ecommerce or responsive functionality.

As with any business, whether established or new, it is essential to develop or reach new potential customers on a consistent basis. However, this can be particularly misleading for those with a long-standing positive track record of revenue and profits.

Although Enercorp’s track record is above standard, they have failed to acquire and develop the younger generation. A possible cause? Their website did not have e-commerce functionality, but rather a quoting system that notified the sales team. This process was not yielding good results, and a website redesign was necessary.

They contacted VKweb for a marketing audit and custom e-commerce website design that would convert to both new and established customers.

Initial Website Audit

Symptoms of current condition

During the initial website audit and briefing, we discovered a number of issues with the site:

Enercorp.com was their official website. It wasn't mobile-friendly and didn't score well when it came to browsing speed.
Enercorpsensors.com was a third-party vendor that allowed customers to place RFQs (request for quote) in which the sales agent would complete the sale

All of this resulted in around 70 organic keywords with an average page rank in the 80s (on average on page 8 of Google). It was at this point that Enercorp confirmed that it was not interested in post-marketing or advertising (PPC).

Work stages

Please click through the steps taken to create the Enercorp website that ultimately included a new logo, a hierarchy that led to spectacular organic SEO results, and a clean, simple, easy-to-use website.

Marketing audit and pre-strategy

To fully discover and gain insight into Enercorp, we conducted a comprehensive marketing audit. We not only did a second search on current websites, but also on a competition, on the audience and we met with an employee from each department. Gain deeper insight and a 360° perspective.

Segmentation des publics cibles dans une carte mental

Our strategy

In addition to developing an e-commerce site, several key aspects had to be considered in order to attract the attention of a younger audience.

They could be broken down into three main aspects: Branding, UX and SEO


To reduce confusion and build trust, a new logo and focused color scheme was needed

Our approach emphasized the following points:

Here are the before and after logos

It is never easy to update a logo, after all, it has been the face of the company for over 40 years. Unfortunately, the dated font was difficult to scale and, based on our research, did not convey quality or strength to the intended target market.

Our research concluded that a clean, scalable sans-serif font would make a difference. The client requested a royal blue, and the result was a web-safe royal blue. Here are the “before and after” logos.

Assemble the SEO elements

Having essential SEO components in place, such as SEO site architecture, doesn’t happen by chance. It is derived from key elements such as keyword research and a comprehensive semantic core. Here is an overview of this step

To ensure maximum optimization, particular attention was paid to the structural phase.

Here is an overview of this step:

This semantic core required more time, because the market is very competitive. Enercorp’s ranking required a solid foundation.

To assemble the core, we analyzed low, medium and frequent queries from their target audience. Using only the clean queries, we then made systematic groupings based on related keywords, thus forming clusters and an ordered structure.

The result, an optimized and intuitive hierarchical structure for both the user and search engines.

Prototype, design and UX

Once the architecture and requirements were defined by our design team, we focused on ensuring that the customer experience (UI/UX) was simple, clear and straightforward. This process included:

This process included:

A prototype is a skeleton of the future website. It includes necessary elements, vital information and critical functional blocks in a user-friendly manner

After client approval, the design is based on the preferences of the target audience. The result is a functional, easy-to-use and pleasant website.

Custom web development

Personalized features not only set you apart from your competitors, but also ensure the customer has a smooth and memorable transaction.

Different product types required different conditions to checkout. All have been integrated for a seamless user experience.

Enercorp’s extensive product line made it clear that each category needed to perform differently. Four different types have been created to meet the needs of customers and users. For SEO, we have also created a hidden FAQ section that can be used on demand. A calculator where the customer can build their own custom RTD has been developed. The result is a seamless process for the user.

Technical optimization of the website

Meticulous planning and strategy don’t mean much if your site isn’t optimized. Our SEO team paid special attention to this step for several reasons.

Our SEO team paid particular attention to this step for several reasons:

The company decided it was best to move away from PPC. Which can provide an immediate increase in traffic.

The company had no social presence (and had no intention of having one). Social signals improve rankings and visibility, so we realized we needed to get this part right.

It was decided from the start that post-marketing would be extremely difficult. This meant no post-marketing or SEO updates.

Our SEO score rose to an A, even without social media accounts (which is why it’s an F). The only suggestion was to add a social network.

Enercorp score according to GTmetrix as of February 2021.

All of this resulted in around 70 organic keywords with an average page rank in the 80s (on average on page 8 of Google). It was at this point that Enercorp confirmed that it was not interested in post-marketing or advertising (PPC).

Personalized measurements to analyze

To ensure Enercorp is getting the most out of its site, we have implemented custom metrics. Here are a few :

This process included:

Using the power of Google Analytics, Advanced eCommerce through GTM and GA Enhanced eCommerce, we provide user activity that can be measured for future campaigns, trends or annual statistics.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) has enabled Enercorp to identify unique users across multiple devices or sessions, resulting in more accurate data that reflects the real world. To do this, we created dynamic marketing data feeds, identifiers and data layers. The data layer provides a comprehensive view with tracking activities such as: product view, product click, add/remove items from cart, checkout, purchase and Moreover.

Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce has also been configured to track activities such as: goals, events, custom bounce rate, scroll depth, customer ID as a custom parameter, button click tracking and followed by the submission of forms. This gives Enercorp a complete overview of the sales funnel and marketing activities, allowing it to track the true customer journey.


This was a thorough and comprehensive project, with which we are satisfied. Feel free to visit https://enercorp.com or look at our images below.

The end results are even more satisfying. After all, it is experience that must be judged.

*We reiterate that the client has chosen not to benefit from monthly or post SEO optimization. Therefore, organic SEO results come from the initial website only.

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